INSTITUTE: Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ZHdK
YEAR: 2015
SYNOPSIS: Instead of letting herself time to coming to terms with her lost relationship, Natalie (35) has a first date with Sascha (40), a guy from a dating website, that triggers exactly what she wanted to suppress: her lovesickness – all the pain and anger. It needs one night and some more or less self-destructive encounters until she finds peace again.
PROFILE: After her pre-film-life as a sign writer, a flight attendant and a graphic designer, Rebecca Panian worked as a TV editor for Endemol Germany and as a freelance-editor and director for the Swiss Television and did her Bachelor of Arts in Journalism at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. Since 2006, she has been realizing documentaries and fictional film projects. From 2012 to 2015, she did her Master’s in directing fiction at the Zurich University of the Arts. Her first feature length documentary Zu Ende Leben had its theatrical release in Switzerland in April 2015.