This year’s edition of the Cà Foscari Short Film Festival will dedicate a special programme by showing some films promoted and distributed by a Spanish agency called Promofest. Since 1992 it has been promoting films for festivals worldwide, obtaining prizes and being selected on a great number of occasions. In all these years Promofest has developed the largest festival database in Spain and has reached over 500 deals with such organizations..
The selection of films that will be shown ranges from a very cruel animation film to a drama on a boy struggling with his first sexual experience, from a surreal comedy focused on a group of friends to a melancholy drama based on a couple getting married.
Promofest is a pioneer in promoting films for festivals. It tailors a specific plan for each movie and handle each work individually. Since they first started to work in 1992 working, the works they presented have achieved more than 4000 prizes and over 18000 selections worldwide.
The Black Bear
Regia/Director: Fortunat-Rossi Méryl
Produzione/Production: Belgium, France – 2015
Durata/Runtime: 15’
El Día Más Feliz
Regia/Director: Urresti Fernández de Valderrama Gaizka
Produzione/Production: Spain – 2015
Durata/Runtime: 10’
Fiction Drammatico/Fiction Drama
Regia/Director: Díaz Meléndez César
Produzione/Production: Spain – 2014
Durata/Runtime: 3’
Regia/Director: Arnar Guđmundsson Guđmundur
Produzione/Production: Denmark/Iceland – 2014
Durata/Runtime: 21’