INSTITUTE: Akademija umetnosti Univerze v Novi Gorici
YEAR: 2022
LANGUAGE: Slovenian
SYNOPSIS: In a world where factory-farmed animals are turned into human-slaves and made to believe they can earn their freedom with enough chips, a naive and eager worker, Elvis, is sent to a car wash, only to see his efforts continually thwarted by a society that seems unwilling to accept the likes of him.
PROFILE: Sagar Gahatraj is an independent filmmaker from the southern part of Nepal. He graduated with a Master’s Degree in Filmmaking from the University of Nova Gorica in 2021. His experimental documentary The carwash job, which was shot in the research phase for his degree project In the nation of car lovers was nominated for the Student Film Award at the Slovenian Film Festival in Portorož in 2019. In 2020, Sagar received the Jožko Markič award for outstanding efforts to realize the production of his movie which connected a variety of individuals from the Goriska region, and for advocating a re-evaluation of the human-animal relationship. Filmmaking is an art form through which Sagar aspires to explore the intersection of social activism, art and entertainment.