INSTITUTE: Universidad de Los Andes – Escuela de Medios Audiovisuales
YEAR: 2017
SYNOPSIS: Nine knots, a prayer for each one, and then, nine wishes for the soul that no longer inhabits in the earth. Maria knew about the cult thanks to her mother and knew how to tie them thanks to her father. But now she and her brother José are alone.
BIOGRAPHY: Lorena Colmenares (Barquisimeto, Lara – Venezuela 1992) Audio-Visual and Film student at Los Andes University. Began her film studies at CIECA, a school from her hometown, where she obtained the opportunity to make her first animated short film “La danza del tiempo”, this film won the best short animation in the short film festival of Barquisimeto (2011). The same year she began her studies at Los Andes University, where she also had the opportunity to take part in many short films as the script and the director’s assistant. In 2015 premieres her third fiction short film “Bosque Mueto” which won as the Best Short Film in the first edition of the international festival Premio Giulio Questi (2016), Best screenplay in the International Inter University Short Film Festival IIUSF in Bangladesh (2016), at the same time, received many awards in national festivals and got recognized in different international festivals. In 2016 she premieres her second short film “Asfixia”, which obtained an award in the Festival de Cine Venezolano (2016). During her internships she worked with Whiskey Films as assistant editor in the commercial “La Policia Invisible”, which won a Gold Lion in Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, in the group Outdoor (2016), now, she is working in her short film degree thesis “La espiral roja”.