Notizie dal Festival

Falling Awake (Ryan deMello)

Titolo: Falling Awake

Regia: Ryan deMello

Istituto: Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute (India)

Anno: 2011

Durata: 11′

Paese: India

Lingua: hindi/inglese

Descrizione/Sinossi: Shaun e sua madre hanno un rapporto compromesso dal suicidio di suo padre. Improvvisamente Shaun riceve una lettera anonima e le cose iniziano a cambiare.

Title: Falling Awake

Director: Ryan deMello

Institute: Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute (India)

Year: 2011

Runtime: 11′

Country: India

Language: Hindi/English

Description: Shaun and his mother have a difficult and forced relationship ever since his father committed suicide. One da Shaun receives an anonymous letter and things begin to change.


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